Folan-shop is our new online shop for all fibre optic professionals in France, Belgium and Switzerland.
On this new fibre optic shop, you can find our entire range of FOLAN products (FTTH, FTTA, Smart Cities, FTTO, Data Center). You will also find all the details on the products (technical data, application markets, installation advice, available options, prices).
Available from your computer or mobile phone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Meet all your telecom and fibre optic needs.
Whether you are an existing FOLAN customer or a new customer, you can register now to discover all the features of the site such as :
If you are a FOLAN customer and have specific purchasing conditions, you can also find them on the website.
Don’t hesitate to register for a special 10% discount on your first order with the code FOLAN10!, open as often as the internet!